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General Rules

In order to provide a safe, comfortable and educational conference environment, please comply with the norms of the meeting, and cooperate with the guidance of the staff. If encountering any problem at the venue, you may inquire the staff at any time.

1. Costumes

    1.1. Participants are required to wear a formal suit.

    1.2. Informal suits for men are blazers, shirts, suit pants, ties and leather shoes; for women are pants suits or skirt                   suits, and high heels.

    1.3. Do not wear jeans, sneakers, or hats. The staff may ask the delegates with improper dressing to leave.

    1.4. Delegates should wear badges. There are four colors for the badges: blue is for Chairs and the staff, red is for

           delegates, yellow is for volunteers, and purple is for visiting guests.


2. Enrollment

    2.1 Delegates please arrive at Tzu-chiang building eighth floor and register before the opening ceremony begins.
          The registering time is 10:00 - 11:00.

    2.2. Make sure your personal information on the attendance sheet is correct and sign your name, so as to make sure

           you have attended and that the documents are correct. If found any error on the sheet, please revise it.

    2.3. You will receive a conference materials bag, including an assembly manual, souvenirs, a badge, a pile of pages 

           and a folder.

    2.4. Please take care of your items. If they are lost, please consult with the staffs and repurchase the items.


3. Order

    3.1. Do not chase, make loud noises at the venue or do any other action that will affect the meeting.

    3.2. Please take care of your personal belongings. If missing in the venue or in any other places, it will not be the

           responsibilities of the staff.

    3.3. If picking up others’ lost properties, please hand it to the staff, it will be sent to the conference center at the 

           Lost and Found.

    3.4. If participating in the dinner event, please pay attention to your own safety on the way to the restaurant.

    3.5. If you have a fever, cough, sore throat or other symptoms, be sure to wear a mask and ask the staff to assist

           medical treatment.


4. Food & Drink

    4.1. Please do not smoke, or chew gums and betel nuts at the venue.

    4.2. It is not allowed to eat or drink during the sessions on Tzu-chiang building eighth floor.
           Do not bring sugary or colored drinks into the venue. (Water put in the container with a lid can be brought in)

    4.3. Please bring personal tableware.

2019 © 南山模擬聯合國會議│NSMUN

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